Two of the most desirable development hot-spots on the Sussex coast are being offered for development by Worthing Borough Council, which is seeking to turn them into landmark leisure facilities.
The sites, opposite West Buildings and Steyne Gardens, officially go on offer today but have already attracted plenty of interest from would-be developers.
The West Buildings site has the potential to be turned into a high-end restaurant using the existing shelter as an entrance and possibly extending out towards the sea.
In 2007 planning permission was given for an 84-seat restaurant at the West Buildings site but the presence of a major sewer running along the promenade helped put an end to the scheme. However, talks with Southern Water have now confirmed the possibility of connecting the site to the main sewer and, by ensuring design proposals incorporate the shelter, previous obstacles can be overcome
Closing date for bids is Monday 10th July 2017 with both sites available on a long-term lease.
For full details and application packs please visit: