SE-Assist is an innovative model where social enterprises can access funding and support from large businesses.

The initiative was successfully piloted in Brighton & Hove in 2013 and three social enterprises received the full SE-Assist package and one other a mentor from Legal & General. SE-Assist offers social enterprises across Sussex the following support package:

  • £10,000 to £30,000 interest free loan
  • From £30,000 up to £60,000 interest bearing loan
  • Access to a bank of experts and mentors

The Social Investment Committee, which decides who receives the package of support, is made up of local social enterprise supporters:

  • the Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex
  • representatives from the local business community
  • as well as a representative from CAF, Legal & General and SE-Assist funders

Further information can be found on the SE-Assist website.