Guests who attended the prestigious Adur & Worthing Business Awards on Friday 16th November were invited to enter a fundraising draw during the evening to support a dedicated, local day nursery and charity, Kamelia Kids.
The nursery, based in Goring by Sea, Worthing provides a nurturing, caring and stimulating environment for all children, including those who have experienced a difficult start in life and there is a commitment to ensuring that all children feel fully valued and cared for and that they and their families are given all the support they need in order to reach their full potential.
The draw raised an incredible £2,535 which will go towards vital equipment and resources. Kay Haffenden, Chairman Board of Trustees commented; “On behalf of the Trust and all at Kamelia Kids, thank you for giving us the opportunity to raise such a wonderful sum of money for our charity. We were completely blown away by the generosity of all those who donated and we are enormously grateful for the support”.
James Stoner (Managing Director at JSPC/Vice Chairman AWBA) and Peter Webb MBE (Managing Director at ETI Ltd/Chairman AWBA) recently visited the nursery to present a cheque. Peter Webb said “It was great to help a charity that provides outstanding care for local children and their families. I would like to personally thank everyone who donated so generously on the night”