West Sussex Growers Association, in partnership with Natwest and the University of Chichester invite individuals to their conference where they will examine the next, and most important, evolution of commercial horticulture, where machines, devices and sensors connect and communicate with each other.

Where growers’ decision making is assisted by contextualised information and production tasks are automated and supported by cyber-physical systems capable of autonomous decision making.

This is “Horticulture 4.0”, as we adopt and adapt the automation, innovation and robotics emerging in “Industry 4.0” – the smart factory.


  • David Ball (CEO of Neame Lea)
  • Martin Collison (Collison Associates)
  • Prof. Seamus Higson (University of Chichester)
  • Dr. Matthew Howard (Kings College London)
  • Gillian Keegan MP (Chichester)
  • Prof. Simon Pearson (University of Lincoln)
  • Tim Pratt (FEC Energy)
  • Neville Stein (Ovation Consulting)
  • Dave Thompson C.Eng MIMechE (Ricardo UK Ltd)

