Consultation events are now taking place on options put forward by Highways England to reduce congestion and improve capacity on the A27 at Worthing and Lancing. Views of business are being actively sought, either by individual submissions or representation by representative business organisations. Details of consultation events are given below. If you would like to input to the joint consultation response that will be submitted on behalf of the Adur & Worthing Business Partnership, please contact us.
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“The Worthing and Lancing section of the A27 lacks road and junction capacity. As a result it suffers from congestion, particularly at Grove Lodge, Durrington Cemetery and Lyons Way. Planned growth along the wider A27 corridor is likely to worsen the problem. The Worthing and Lancing improvement scheme aims to improve the capacity of the road and junctions along the stretch of single carriageway in Worthing and the narrow dual carriageway in Lancing. The extent and scale of the improvements, including the option of fully dualling, are to be determined.
The objectives for the scheme are to:
- reduce congestion on the Worthing-Lancing section of the A27
- manage the impact of planned growth and support the wider economy
- minimise impacts on and where possible seek opportunities for enhancing the environment
- provide safer roads and more reliable journeys by reducing travel delays
- improve accessibility for all users”