Get involved

With Adur & Worthing business network

There are a number of ways you or your business can become more involved in the local business community and the activities of the Adur & Worthing Business Partnership.  Whether you are looking to raise the profile of your business through sponsorship, want to give back to the community by supporting a charitable cause or volunteering, or simply want to get involved in a project and broaden your business network, then look no further.

We have pulled together a whole host of rewarding opportunities suitable for businesses large and small.  We want to ensure these are regularly updated to ensure there is something for everyone, so if you know of opportunities that would benefit from promotion on this site, then please get in touch.

Adur & Worthing Business Awards – the preparation continues

Official Launch Event Many thanks to all those who attended our launch event on 6th June!  The event, held in conjunction with Worthing & Adur Chamber was a huge success with a record number of attendees including sponsors, previous winners and supporters coming...

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Raise your profile


Through Sponsorship

If you would like to know more please get in touch.

Through your community

If you would like to know more please get in touch.