Apr 12, 2017 | Get Involved, News
Plans to create a new multi-million pound office block on a Shoreham car park are taking another step forward – with the public being urged to have their say. The site in Ham Road was formerly used by council staff who worked at the now demolished Adur Civic...
Mar 27, 2017 | News, Premises
Two of the most desirable development hot-spots on the Sussex coast are being offered for development by Worthing Borough Council, which is seeking to turn them into landmark leisure facilities. The sites, opposite West Buildings and Steyne Gardens, officially go on...
Feb 18, 2017 | Funding, News
Adur & Worthing Councils, in partnership with Adur and Worthing Business Partnership, are pleased to announce a new grant scheme for Small Business grants and Apprenticeship grants for micro and small businesses in the Adur and Worthing area. The Small Business...